Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Preparing Americans for Hyperinflation

Hyperinflation Nation
National Inflation Association

The National Inflation Association is an organization that is dedicated to preparing Americans for hyperinflation and helping Americans not only survive, but prosper in the upcoming hyperinflationary crisis.

With an $11 trillion national debt and $55 trillion in unfunded obligations for programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, it is our belief that the United States for all intents and purposes is bankrupt and Americans need to take steps immediately to protect themselves from the potential loss of the purchasing power of their U.S. Dollars.

The U.S.'s recently passed $787 billion stimulus plan along with the Federal Reserve expanding its balance sheet by over $1 trillion in a single day brings the total potential outlays from the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury during the financial crisis up to $13.1 trillion.

It is our belief that the rest of the world is unlikely to lend the U.S. this money and the Federal Reserve will most likely have to print the money out of thin air.

The U.S. has abused its status of having the world's reserve currency for far too long. We are on an unavoidable path towards hyperinflation. At this point, we believe it is only a matter of time before the value of the U.S. Dollar collapses.

With China likely to become a net seller of U.S. Treasuries to fund their own rightfully deserved $586 billion stimulus plan, we believe there will soon be a run on the Dollar and a rush into Gold and Silver.

By the U.S. government unwilling to accept a much needed recession, they are creating a much larger crisis than the one we have today.

Our goal is to help as many Americans as possible become aware of the disaster we are rapidly approaching. In our opinion, the wealth of most Americans could get wiped out during the next decade, but it will be an opportunity for a small percentage of Americans to become wealthy by investing into companies that we believe will prosper in an inflationary environment, such as Gold and Silver miners.

It is important to know that we are not investment or financial advisors, but we do profile publicly traded companies we believe will prosper in an inflationary environment.

Please sign-up to our free newsletter today to receive our profiles of these companies as well as our latest articles before they are posted on

UPDATE, June 26: The House passed H.R. 2454 today by a vote of 219 to 212.

An expensive new tax bill will be considered on the floor of the House as early as this Friday, June 26. This bill is known as the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, H.R. 2454, also known as the Waxman-Markey climate change bill.

Most Americans know this bill as a cap-and-trade bill for the purpose of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and global warming by creating a system of pollution permits that energy companies must buy before releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Economic Crisis, Then and Now; Dollars and Sense Show 57

Student Debt Slows Growth as Young Spend Less

The New York Times

May 10, 2013

Student Debt Slows Growth as Young Spend Less

The anemic economy has left millions of younger working Americans struggling to get ahead. The added millstone of student loan debt, which recently exceeded $1 trillion in total, is making it even harder for many of them, delaying purchases of things like homes, cars and other big-ticket items and acting as a drag on growth, economists said.
Consider Shane Gill, a 33-year-old high-school teacher in New York City. He does not have a car. He does not own a home. He is not married. And he is no anomaly: like hundreds of thousands of others in his generation, he has put off such major purchases or decisions in part because of his debts.
Mr. Gill owes about $45,000 in federal student loans, plus another $40,000 to his parents. That investment in his future has led to a secure job with decent pay and good benefits. But it has left him with tremendous financial constraints, as he faces chipping away at the debt for years on end.
“There’s this anxiety: what if I decided I wanted to get married or have children?” Mr. Gill said. “I don’t know how I would. And that adds to the sense of precariousness. There’s a persistent, buzzing kind of toothache around it.”
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, in a new study, found that 30-year-olds with student loans were now less likely to have debts like home mortgages than 30-year-olds without student loans — even though most of those with student loans are better educated and can expect to earn more money over their lifetimes. The same pattern holds true for 25-year-olds and car loans.
“It is a new thing, a big social experiment that we’ve accidentally decided to engage in,” said Kevin Carey, the director of the Education Policy Program at the New America Foundation, a research group based in Washington. “Let’s send a whole class of people out into their professional lives with a negative net worth. Not starting at zero, but starting at a minus that is often measured in the tens of thousands of dollars. Those minus signs have psychological impact, I suspect. They might have a dollars-and-cents impact in what you can afford, too.”
The weak economy and tight credit standards remain the main culprits preventing young people just establishing themselves from making major purchases. But millions now face putting a substantial share of their take-home pay toward past debts rather than present needs. Student loan debt leaves them with less money for things like clothes and restaurant meals. And it is even more likely to suppress purchases of more expensive items that need to be bought with credit. A poor job market is compounding the problem: the educational debt burden of many so-called millennials has sharply increased even as they are being forced to get by on significantly less income than the previous generation — a decline of about 15 percent in real terms since 2000, with much of that drop coming from the recession.
According to calculations by the Pew Research Center, the measure of debt to income for households under the age of 35 has ballooned to about 1.5-to-1 in 2010 from about 1-to-1 in 2001. The composition of that debt has shifted, too: more is tied to student debts, and less to homes. “Having a lot of student loan debt makes it harder to qualify for a mortgage and harder to save for a down payment,” said Jed Kolko, the chief economist at Trulia.
With the interest rate on some federal student loans set to double on July 1, House Republicans and Senate Democrats have both put forward proposals to try to hold them down. Representative John Kline, Republican of Minnesota, has proposed tying the rate on several federal student loans to the government’s borrowing costs. Democratic senators, including Dick Durbin of Illinois, have made a similar proposal. Some have suggested going further: Senator Elizabeth Warren, Democrat of Massachusetts, has proposed letting students borrow at the same “discount rate” that the Federal Reserve charges to banks, currently 0.75 percent.
Student loan debt is not only constraining young adults, but also, at least in the near term, holding back the recovery itself, some economists say. The shadows might remain even as the economy picks up, by making young workers more cautious when it comes to decisions about their careers and their finances. Millennials might end up buying less expensive homes or more often choosing to rent than previous generations.
“The debt is shifting how much young people can spend, and it can also be a powerful psychological thing as well,” said Selma Hepp, an economist at the California Association of Realtors.
On the other side of the equation, many college graduates now in their 20s and early 30s should eventually be able to make up for lost ground. Students who take on debt to pay for higher education commit themselves to paying off huge sums, but they usually lift their lifetime earnings by substantial amounts. And they are in a better position to insulate themselves against economic bad times, given the profound rewards the job market provides to the college-educated.
Indeed, the economy is far more punishing to workers without a college degree. The college-educated earn, on average, 80 percent more than those who only completed high school, a premium that has widened over the last 30 years. Unemployment rates for the less educated are higher, too.
For most young workers, gaining a college degree remains well worth it in the long run, even if it delays some purchases in the near term. “For an individual going to college and ending up with a lot of debt — you’re still better off,” said Chris G. Christopher of the forecasting firm IHS Global Insight. There might, however, be a slice of young workers who paid huge sums for degrees that prove less valuable on the job market, saddled by a debt burden that could end up holding them back for decades.
Mr. Gill said his education remained a vital investment, even if the debt overhang has for now put white picket fences or a condo with a gleaming view out of reach. “Sometimes I think: ‘What if I were to buy an apartment?’ ” he said. “It is like asking: ‘What am I going to do when I first land on the moon? What’s the first thought that I will have when I see Earth from outer space?’ ”

Friday, May 3, 2013

Controlled Worldwide Economic Collapse Planned Around Arrival of 2nd Sun Brown Dwarf Star

Kareem Salama - Baby I'm A Soldier

Tropic Thunder Negotiating with Kidnappers/Terrorists

Tom Cruise Dances to Ludacris for 15 minutes - Tropic Thunder - HD

Billy Ray Cyrus Some Gave All American Heros

V for Vendetta - Final Fight Scene

Armageddon - presidents speech (Best speech ever!!)

Team Special Forces - Motivational Speech

Pause For Station Identification : Courtesy of the Red White and Blue

Take The Nopalea Wellness Challenge

We live in a toxic world. Our bodies are constantly under attack...on a daily basis. From the air we breathe, the food we eat, even the water we drink -- environmental toxins are everywhere. Combine the daily toxic exposure of stress, fatigue, social pressure, anger, depression, unhealthy relationships and financial hardship and you are sure to find yourself in toxic overload.

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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Amazon John and Celine Cousteau in the Peruvian Rainforest

Amazon John and Celine Cousteau in the Peruvian RainforestThe Cousteau Society selected Amazon Herb Co. to be part of its PBS Documentary, Cousteau's Ocean Adventures: 'Return to the Amazon.' The documentary aired nationwide and showed what has happened in the Amazon over the past 20 years. Celine Cousteau and her team invited John Easterling to join them for 4 days of filming and recognized him and Amazon Herb Company as 'the strongest testament that keeping the forest alive and productive is more economically profitable than cutting it down.'

To view a youtube video about Amazon Herb Company please click here.

To Purchase Amazon Herb products please visit my Trivita website here:

Rich Dad Poor Dad W/ Mike Maloney - "One Investment That Will Make You Ultra Rich"

Gold & Silver Are God's Money: Robert Kiyosaki - The Most Important Video He's Ever Made

Robert Kiyosaki US Economic Collapse of the Dollar! Get Prepared!

Robert Kiyosaki Conspiracy Of The Rich on ABC News. US Economic Collapse of the Dollar! Get Prepared! Silver and Gold will be spent on FOOD! Food is the Ultimate trade currency. Get prepared food is a necessity to feed yourselves and family. Eat and Save food for emergencies, great depression, food shortage,hyperinflation, and disaster.

U.S. economic collapse: Donald Trump on America vs. China

Glenn Beck's Advice to Prepare for Collapse

WW3 Countdown | China Moves Against The Dollar

Published on May 1, 2013
China has just made several moves against the U.S. dollar, and currency wars with the U.S. have a way of turning into real wars.

Prescription for monetary rehab, secrets of wartime spending w/ Peter Schiff

Bail-in's Are Coming. Kiss Your Money/Savings Goodbye! By Gregory Mannarino

World War 3 : U.S. / Russia / China tension over NATO Missile Defense Shield (May 03, 2012)

Apparently, the cold war never ended and instead has just become luke warm instead...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

2013 Silver is the best Investment Robert Kiyosaki

Situation if US Dollar Collapse - A Useful News Report

America is facing great economic, financial, debt and currency crisis from few years. These economic, financial, debt and currency crisis are increasing day by day. Americans must wake up and take strong measure to control these economic, financial, debt and currency crisis.

Eric Sprott: Silver Is Still The Best Investment Of This Decade

Published on Dec 21, 2012
Billionaire Eric Sprott, from Sprott Asset Management shares his wisdom and outlook for the silver and gold markets in 2013. An exclusive interview with Patrick MontesDeOca, founder of Equity Management Academy.

Monday, April 29, 2013

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Ron Paul's Dire Warning to America

Total Proof Boston Bombings Were A False Flag!

ECONOMIC CRISIS Remove Your MONEY From The Banks Unless They Will Bring CHAOS To The WORLD

Economic Collapse Survival Map - Risk Analysis of best area in United States

Food Crisis - The Total Collapse Of The U.S. Economy Is 100%

After America Collapses, What Comes Next?

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Economic Collapse a Mathematical Certainty - Top 5 Places Where Not To Be

Planned Economic Collapse 2013-2014

Mania in Gold and Silver Coming – Gregory Mannarino

Very Close to Pan-Global Financial Collapse-Gregory Mannarino

20 March 201364 Comments
Greg MannarinoBy Greg Hunter’s
Financial Analyst Gregory Mannarino says the banking crisis in Cyprus is a signal of what is coming to the rest of the world. Mannarino says, “People are now going to start losing faith in these institutions. This cannot stand, and we may be very, very close to the pan-global financial collapse that I believe is coming.” Mannarino contends, “People do not understand that the debt owed by their nation is their debt. They own it. They are going to force people to pay one way or another. Haircuts are coming for everyone.” Mannarino contends, “There is a debt war going on right now.” Think what is happening in Cyprus can’t happen in the U.S? More than $10.8 trillion in deposits are insured by the FDIC with a $33 billion insurance fund. Mannarino says, “That’s pretty scary,” and the best way to protect yourself is to “get into real assets . . . there would be no problem if people in Cyprus would have heeded that advice.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Gregory Mannarino of 

Gregory Mannarino-Get Into Real Assets Now:

Financial Suffering as Great as if there were a Global Nuclear Exchange - Gregory Mannarino

29 April 2013No Comment
Greg MannarinoGreg Hunter’s
The Fed is reversing course. Instead of talking about curtailing money printing, it is now extending it. This comes as no surprise to financial analyst Gregory Mannarino. He says, “There’s no way out of it. The Federal Reserve cannot and will not stop printing money. If they do, it is party over at that moment.” Mannarino points out people are running away from fiat currency and are pouring into gold and silver and predicts, “There is going to be a mania in metals because they’re going to want to get away from the Ponzi scheme of currency, and they’re going to rush into metals because they’re real assets. “ Mannarino goes on to say, “We have created an alternate reality. We have borrowed cash from the future to live better today. That has created a population boom. When that bubble bursts, it is going to correct, and millions are going to get wiped out here.” Mannarino goes on to say, “This is not just a financial thing but a human life issue, and people are going to suffer as great as if there were a global nuclear exchange.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Gregory Mannarino of

Video will be up shortly.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Federal Reserve - Its Origins, History & Current Strategy

By: Wayne N. Krautkramer
Few perceive the truth about the Federal Reserve. Rare are those who know its origins. It is right in front of us, but our relative ignorance of economics and history is their protection. A quick history lesson is in order.

On October 14, 1066, AD., King William I (the Conqueror) founded the English monarchy. The Corporation was created by William in 1067 AD. to facilitate trade, and assure the continuation of the wealth of the monarchy. The City of London's legal name is The Corporation of the City of London. The City of London has unique political and economic privileges that do not apply to Greater London, or anywhere else in the British realm. The "City" even has its own police force that is sovereign.

The Bank of England was granted a royal charter on July 27, 1694, by William III to regularize the monarchy's finances. This scheme was invented by a Scot promoter named William Paterson. The scheme was to create a bank with a "fund for perpetual interest". Fractional reserve banking was created, along with the radical monetary concept of a "monopoly" bank which would create money for loans that would never be repaid. A perpetual money machine for the monarchy was born. The permanent National Debt was born. The Bank of England would finance the emerging empire from its headquarters in the City of London. Never again would the lack of money, or liquidity, hamper the British empire under normal economic conditions. Conveniently, the monarchy also controls the City of London. This assures that the heart of the economic machine will always be protected.

The United States fought a hard and expensive war against England in 1776 to achieve sovereignty. That included the right to have her own currency, control her own tax policies, and the avoidance of involvement in the affairs of other nations.

To finish this article please click here:

US Treasury vs Federal Reserve Financial War Escalates

US Treasury vs Federal Reserve Financial War Escalates

US Treasury vs Federal Reserve Financial War Escalates And the Countdown Starts
Breaking News April 14, 2013
By Tom Heneghan International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America – At this hour we can divulge that the U.S. Treasury (the only Constitutional authority that has a right to coin currency) is now in a total state of war with the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve, which, as former Ronald Reagan economic adviser David Stockman states, is now a complete bucket shop.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has told Federal Reserve Chairman, check kiter and traitor Ben Shalom Bernanke that his credit default dollar swaps that have been used as a backdoor bail out for insolvent
European banks will stop IMMEDIATELY!

The dollar swaps aka money laundry have now effectively made the U.S. banking system
a counter party to the European Central Bank (ECB), which has now become a
counter party to itself.

Yes, folks, the pyramid schemes are collapsing.
We can also report that Chinese government officials have
told U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry that the latest ponzi scheme involving the U.S. Federal Reserve, Bank
of Japan and the European Central Bank must stop NOW!
Click on link below to read full report:
More Whistleblowers US Intel Breaking News

Bix Weir--End Game Is Here-Death Of The Dollar Is Around The Corner

Published on Apr 23, 2013 presents
According to Bix we're coming down to crunch time. The end is nigh and the Too Big To Fails will be failing right and left. Bix believes you need to divorce yourself from it as soon as possible or suffer the consequences. There's no alternative because the United States owes too much money to ever dream of paying it back. Things will never be the same and the normal that exists today will soon be a thing of the past. While you might not have to become a farmer or hunter-gatherer, the way you obtain your food, as well as pay for it, is going to be completely different. So get ready, it's coming soon.
Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE!) to "Finance And Liberty" for some of the best financial interviews and videos posted daily:

SUBSCRIBE (It's FREE!) to my other channel, "Unconventional Finance" where I interview financial experts every Monday and Thursday:

The Federal Reserve System = The Biggest Crime You Will Live Under In Your Lifetime.

The Truth Rises - Coordinated Strikes Work Both Ways - May 1st 2013

The Truth Rises - Coordinated Strikes Work Both Ways - May 1st 2013

Friday, April 26, 2013

Whoever posted this clip should be paying Mr. Ronald Davis a royalty for every viewing!  Let's get real! Pay the man! Pay up Mr. Producer!!!!! 1,689,236 X .25 (1 quarter) = $422,309.00!!!!!

Great Song Recommendation From A Great Friend!

Mishka - Give You All The Love

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Must Watch! Why you MUST own Gold & Silver NOW. By Gregory Mannarino

Rocky Vs. Debt!!!!!
"Is Harry Reid Smarter Than A 6th Grader?" - Peter Schiff CEO Euro Pacific Metals

Endangered manatees are dying in record numbers! More than 463 manatees have died this year alone, and the count is quickly rising. Earthjustice is doing everything we can to fight back using the law and the power of the courts. Help us see this emergency battle through with a special gift today.
Give today!
Endangered manatees are dying in record numbers!
An endangered Florida manatee. (Tracy Colson / FWS)
Help us fight back in court with an emergency gift today!
Donate Now!
Dear Jeffrey,
A record number of endangered manatees are dying in Florida’s algae-choked waterways—with as many as 10 deaths each day.
Yet the state of Florida and the Environmental Protection Agency recently decided to approve dangerous loopholes in the region and allow more toxic pollution that is putting this gentle species’ very survival at risk.
More than 463 endangered manatees have died this year alone…and the number is quickly rising.
My team and I working out of Earthjustice’s Florida office are waging an emergency battle to protect these gentle creatures for the long haul, but we need an urgent gift from you today to see this fight through.
This alarming number of manatee deaths is linked to toxic algae from sewage, manure, and fertilizer pollution. Yet, in an astonishing move, Florida and the Environmental Protection Agency—the very agency that is charged with protecting wildlife and their essential habitat—are siding with polluters and agro-businesses and putting profits over protections.
As the managing attorney of Earthjustice’s Florida office, I will not stand by and watch this happen.
With your support, my team and I will stand up against this assault and:
Fight in court to stop dangerous back room deals between Florida and the Environmental Protection Agency that give loopholes to dirty and polluting industries.
Use the law and the power of the courts to strengthen pollution standards across Florida state.
Battle to restore waterways and halt environmentally-destructive practices and projects such as the Rodman Dam in Florida.
For more than two decades, Earthjustice has fought for manatee protections in court—and won. And with your help, we will do so once again.
Thank you for all that you do,
David Guest picture
David Guest
Managing Attorney
Earthjustice, Florida Office
P.S. A record number of dead manatees are washing up in southwest Florida right now! Help us fight back in court with an emergency tax-deductible gift today to protect them and other endangered species.
Donate Now!
©2013 Earthjustice | 50 California Street, Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94111 | 415-217-2000 |

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Yes, Tom Hooper made pansies out of The Gladiator and Wolverine and for this I may never forgive him, but nonetheless Les Miserables 2012 was excellent!!!

Market Too Pessimistic on Apple

Apple’s gross margins likely will shrink over time, but the market is underestimating the long-term potential of the iPhone, says Morningstar’s Brian Colello.

Janus: These 'Champion Banks' Are Long-Term Winners

Several European banks have proved their mettle amid the continent's financial turmoil and are well-positioned for long-run growth, says Janus Overseas manager Brent Lynn.
Selling Short - How To Profit From A Stock Market Crash

One of the most important speeches in recorded history was given by a comedian by the name of Charlie Chaplin. If you like what you see please share the video any way you can and pass the message on.

From the Desk of Peter Schiff

Hello Jeff,

I’ve just been handed the most innovative new gold product I’ve ever seen: the Valcambi Suisse 50-gram "CombiBar." This credit card-sized pure gold bullion bar is easily separated into detachable, 1-gram sections - like a gold chocolate bar.

Valcambi Suisse 50-gram barThese bars are all the rage in Europe, where they were first produced in 2011 by prestigious Swiss bullion manufacturer Valcambi. It seems that many Europeans, faced with a looming currency crisis, high inflation and monetary uncertainty, are choosing gold in a portable and barterable form. It’s only a matter of time before we see similar problems showing up in the US.

CombiBar with sealed assay card
Each 50-gram (1.6075 oz) bar is sealed in a hard plastic case, along with a sealed assay card which certifies and assures its gold content (.9999 fine), weight, and purity. The bar itself carries the manufacturer’s logo, weight, purity, and a unique serial number.

CombiBar breaks off grams of gold like a chocolate barThe CombiBar is easily broken into 1-gram pieces which can be used for barter during a hyperinflation or financial crisis. If you were to buy gram bars individually, you would pay drastically higher premiums as each gram is worth about $55 - making CombiBar the best gold barter product on the market right now.

Pricing and Details

Each bar is $2,737.49, based on the spot price of gold as of 4/09/13 at 9:51am ET. The price will fluctuate based on the current gold price, with reduced premiums on larger orders.


Oz Per Bar x Current Spot Price x Premium (See Chart) = Cost Per Bar
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  • 2-5 bars: 7.85% over spot
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  • 6-9 bars: 7.45% over spot
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We can also ship to Canada.

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I have prepared a short video about these new and unusual gold bars. The video shows an actual bar, and how easy it is to detach a 1-gram section.

Click here to watch:

With Washington's politicians in a worse gridlock than ever, and with the national debt ballooning to ever higher and unsustainable levels, I believe the outlook for gold is now the brightest it's ever been. Since gold prices are at now at a bargain, I encourage you to add to your holdings today.


Peter Schiff
Euro Pacific Precious Metals
Euro Pacific Precious Metals Logo

ATTENTION: Serious stock investors…

The Birth of a New
Industry: Endless Energy
with Spray-on Electricity

Game-changing technology could send New Energy Technologies (NENE) from under $2 to $10…on its way to $20…
Dear Fellow Investor:
It had to happen. Eventually someone had to come up with an energy alternative that makes sense!
They did, and it’s a game changer.
That’s not just me talking, either. I’m no scientist, I’m a stock picker.
I’m used to discovering under-the-radar companies with high-flying stocks. The kind that soar 800%, 1,300% and even as high as 2,300%.
But game-changers like this one come around once or maybe twice in a lifetime.
Look, even publications from MIT, Yale, and the Mukand Institute of Engineering & Technology are astounded by the breakthrough.
The MIT Technology Review says it could be “a revolution in solar power.” Scientific American, via their website, says it could be “a game changer.” And AOL says that “Spray on solar panels are now a reality.”
Yes, you read right.

Spray-On Solar is Now a Reality

This technology is real: Microscopic solar cells that are literally sprayed on a surface, drying to a nearly invisible surface, and pumping electricity non-stop into homes and buildings.
Think of the implications: You and every homeowner in America could make your own electricity without bulky, expensive rooftop solar panels. Every office building, every commercial business, every manufacturing plant could spray their way to lower utility bills.
A technology this revolutionary would have been impossible a few years ago. But a small group of scientists, looking for a way to make solar batteries smaller and more powerful, discovered something mind-blowing:
They found a way to make power-generating solar cells so small that you have to have pretty great eyesight to even see them.
What’s more, to install them, you don’t need a rooftop full of bulky panels and a crew to install them. Instead, you don’t need anything but a spray gun.
Like the most credible scientific minds in the world said, it’s “a revolution.” A “game changer.”
The Argonne National Laboratory, one of the greatest research centers in the world, published a report that says the company developing the technology (I’ll tell you about them in a moment) “is working on a very exciting technology called SolarWindow™ that is a coating that generates electricity from both natural (sun) and artificial (light bulbs) light.”
Yes, you’re about to witness the dawn of a new era, as an outmoded but vital technology is replaced by one that can serve our modern needs.
Think of it as jets replacing propeller planes. . .or cell phones compared to the old rotary dialers. Inventions like the internal combustion engine, the electric light, and the personal computer.
That’s the kind of quantum leap forward we’re looking at now.

A Microcap Company with
a Mega-Cap Technology

This one technology could change New Energy Technologies Inc. (NENE) from a sub $50 million market cap to a multi-billion dollar company.
New Energy Technologies knows this, of course. That’s why they’re throwing everything they’ve got at their power-gen technology, which they’re calling SolarWindow.™
The company won’t say when they’re going to release SolarWindow™ to the market, but Yale University’s prestigious environmental journal, Environment 360, says NENE “is close to commercial deployment.”
That means it could be a matter of months, though I can’t say for sure what “close” means. But one thing’s for sure:
Jumping on New Energy Technologies (NENE) stock could very well change the lives of investors who are smart enough to see the opportunity of a lifetime.
I believe in this company so much that I’m putting my reputation (it’s my livelihood) at stake here.
The facts are just too convincing, even for an old skeptic like me:
  • Scientists at New Energy Technologies have developed a spray-on coating that deposits a film of micro-size solar cells on any surface, feeding free electricity into your home.
  • NENE’s SolarWindow™, their first commercial product being developed, is not just a “great idea” that never sees the light of day. It has already been developed, validated, and demonstrated to industry leaders.
  • Only one other analyst I know of has discovered NENE. Jeff Siegel of Energy and Capital attended a demonstration event and concluded that: “New Energy’s SolarWindow™ technology could eventually capture more energy in a single month that Saudi Arabia will produce in the next 50 years.”
  • Which means it can’t be long before the whole world knows about NENE, and its stock becomes the darling of analysts and investors everywhere.
  • NENE is rushing the SolarWindow™ toward commercialization, which means it’s time to buy stock in NENE and watch it soar!
Now. . .think for a moment about the implications of all that to you as an investor.

Your Once-in-a-Lifetime Chance for Great Wealth

This could be your investment of a lifetime. The one that will put you so far ahead that you’ll never worry about your finances again.
As I said, I specialize in barn-burner stocks. I’ve been doing it for over 30 years.
Like most young guys, I loved cars and I was an avid admirer of the companies that made them. That’s when I became interested in American Motors (AMO). I bought AMO, against the advice of the broker. When the stock went from $3 to $13 in six months, it changed my life forever.
My life changed again when I bought K-Mart for $600 and sold it after several stock splits for $10,000.
That did it. I knew I had a knack for stock picking, so I was off to the races, and finding barn-burning stocks became my life and my passion.
There’s nothing I like better than seeing one of my recommendations soar 878%, like Arena Pharmaceuticals did in 2012 after I recommended it at $1.38. Shortly after my recommendation, the Company received FDA approval for one
of its drugs and the stock exploded to a high of $13.50.
Or a $75-cent stock rocket ahead by 2,120% to $16.65, like Vanda Pharmaceuticals did following my recent recommendation.
Autobytel shot up 1357% after I alerted my readers. . . Argosy Gaming jumped 1767%. . .and Dynavax vaulted a pocket-filling 2,332%.
Plus, I gave my readers winners like PetSmart (2,810% profits) and Republic Industries (2,850% profits).
But as great as they were, NENE is in a totally different ballpark.
Vanda and Petsmart didn’t have the power of industrial or technological upheaval behind them.
Imagine the fortune you’d be sitting on today if you had bought General Dynamics or DuPont during the military buildup of the early 1950s.
Or if you invested in Boeing or Lockheed Martin during the arms race of the 1980s. Or Microsoft or Dell during the personal computer revolution of the 1990s.
Chances for life-changing wealth are so rare that you never want to miss one. This may be the only chance you get.
But get the right investment at the right time and you’ll be the envy of every investor. Like the “Molecular Millionaires” who bought biotech stocks in the mid-1980s and early 1990s. And the “Microsoft Millionaires” who bought computing stocks in late 1980s and early 1990s.
All these investors became rich because they recognized history in the making. They saw that biotechnology and personal computing were inventions that would change the world – and make them rich.
The Biotech Revolution and the Computing Revolution created tens of thousands of “Microsoft Millionaires” and “Molecular Millionaires.”
Not by inventing anything, but by holding stock in companies that had the right technology at the right time.
Getting in at the right moment was the key to their riches, just as it is now for you.
Just three months in 1986 separated the ultra-rich who made 19,500% and the merely rich who made 9,600% in Amgen.
A few short months can make all the difference in the world when we’re talking about a cheap stock with big potential, like New Energy Technologies (NENE).

An End to High Electric Bills

Thirty years ago no one could imagine that the personal computer would ever be anything more than a toy. Today everyone except early investors in IBM and Dell are eating their words.
Likewise, it’s hard to imagine that just as we have personal computers, we can have personal power plants. But we’ll soon be doing more than imagining such a thing.
Imagine having the windows of your house sprayed with a clear coating of organic nanoparticles that generate electricity to power your house.
Think what if would mean if you, and every one of America’s 50 million home owners (and someday, every home in the entire world) were to be retrofitted with electricity-producing windows.
Think of the money it could save you annually in electric bills. Think how much less coal and natural gas would be needed to power electrical plants if every home in America had New Energy (NENE) SolarWindows™.
Now think what it would mean if every new office building, every new school, every new mall to be built in the future incorporates this amazing power-gen technology!
And think how much profit you could make by getting in early on this still-undiscovered stock, NENE while it’s still trading for less than $2.
Buying NENE now could prove to be as profitable as getting in early on Con Edison or Ford.

World’s Leading Scientists Jump on Board.

Inside the scientific and power-gen communities there is keen interest in NENE’s solar technology. In fact, the illustrious members of NENE’s Board of Directors and Board of Advisors are testaments to the potential of their technologies.
The company really scored when they named Dr. Scott Hamilton as Principal Scientist last year. Dr. Hammond came to NENE straight from the National Renewal Energy Laboratory (NREL), where he served as research fellow since 2008.
At NREL, Dr. Hammond was involved with design and synthesis of organic small molecules and polymers for organic photovoltaics, roll-to-roll and slot-die coating, and device fabrication. There are very few experts in this field, and significantly few who are experienced with both the science and experience gained from working at NREL.
And he’s not the only one jumping on board NENE.
Dr. Christopher Harris, Director of Licensing at Vanderbilt University and previous Associate Director for Licensing at the NREL (the same agency that is assisting New Energy Technologies with SolarWindow™ product development and commercialization) is on NENE’s board of advisors.
So is Patrick Sargent, former Director of Solar Market Intelligence & Government Relations for Asahi Glass Company, one of the world’s largest glass makers. With his knowledge, NENE will have extraordinary strength in partnering with a strong glass company to extend product reach.
Dr. Z. Valy Vardeny, one of the world’s foremost leaders in OPV device polymers and experimental physicists, is also on the Board of Advisors. Dr. Vardeny has led research into the photophysical properties of conducting polymers for two decades. This is a tremendous advantage as NENE drives to lower the cost of solar energy.
And last year New Energy Technologies hired Patrick Thompson as Vice President of Business & Technology Development. He is a glass manufacturingprocess engineer who brings particular expertise in solar, plastics and film, glass, and solar-glass segments – all important areas of commercial interest and technology development for New Energy’s SolarWindow™.

Affordable Solar Windows
are going to be the Next Big Thing!

Hard to believe?
Well, just remember, a lot of people thought the Wright brothers were out of their minds.
I believe that this could prove to be one of those huge, historic developments – like the Kitty Hawk.
. . . or Apollo. . .or Graham Bell’s first phone call, that changes everything forever.
To say it’s a “game-changer” is a total understatement.
There’s so much demand for reliable, cheap power that big users aren’t waiting for utility companies to upgrade aging systems.
They’re starting the revolution now, installing their own micropower systems – mini-power plants – in factories, warehouses, office buildings, and even in entire cities.
Localized and micropower technologies are already being used by Google, Nestle, FedEx, Walmart, Ebay, Cargill, Unilever, and Coca Cola.
They’re installing power solutions like the Bloom Box, a mini-power plant invented by a former NASA engineer and being field-tested right now by Google and FedEx.
And a revolutionary water-to-hydrogen technology invented by an MIT scientist that is being installed to electrify the futuristic 2.3 square mile Masdar City.
They’re not the only ones either.
Hotels, hospitals, and manufacturing plants around the world are taking power generation into their own hands and out of the hands of utilities and corporate providers.
Pretty soon micropower is going to arrive at your home and neighborhood too.
In fact, it could be delivering electricity to your home in a few short years, transmitted from neighborhood micropower plants you never see…never smell…never hear.
As you can see from the table below, New Energy’s SolarWindow generates 300% more electricity than rooftop solar panels!
And, here’s something else no roof-top solar panel can claim: During night time hours, the SolarWindow™ actually captures some of energy from street lights and indoor lighting so it can be recycled as stored electricity. Solar panels are worthless at night and on cloudy days.

Even the glow of a few nearby street lights could generate electricity to help your home keep running at nighttime.
In fact, according to a report published by Energy & Capital, New Energy’s SolarWindow™ is said to be 1,000% more efficient than a rooftop solar panel at capturing energy from even artificial light sources.
But, just in case you’re thinking, “this sounds too good to be true,” allow me, if you will, to suggest why you may want to take what I have to say seriously and even act quickly on it:
My name is Bill Mathews. And not to brag, but to establish credibility…

There’s a Reason I’m Ranked # 1

The facts are…
  • Over the past 50 months my 243 recommendations have a collective average gain of +162%!
  • Fully 99% of my picks over the last 50 months ending December 2012 were winners!
I believe my latest find has the potential for a 1,000% gain!
Best of all, NENE is still cheap, recently still under $2 a share.
As news of its success sinks in, I’m expecting volume for NENE to pick up and the price to climb steadily to the $5-$7 range over the next few months on its way to $10 in the next 12 to 18 months.
While a five-bagger with NENE is not shabby, my advice will be to hang on. I wouldn’t even think of selling half when this $2-now-stock hits $10, because this “window of opportunity” (pun intended) will still be wide open.
Assuming that NENE commercializes its technology, the stock has the potential to be, near the top of my all-time biggest winner list. Gains of 700%, 800% or even 1,000% are certainly possible.
Think big!
Remember, if you’d bought 1,000 shares of Microsoft at its IPO price of $21 when it went public in 1986, you’d now have 288,000 shares and your original $21,000 investment would now be worth a cool $7,200.000!
That’s a gain of 43,185%! And that’s the kind of long term potential I see for this world-changing technology!
And if SolarWindow™ makes New Energy Technologies (NENE) the new Exxon or the new GE of the energy world, you could very well see once-in-a-lifetime gains that could easily turn an investment of $10,000 now into $50,000 or more in the not too distant future!
I think this is going to become one of those legacy investments, like a Microsoft or an Apple that just keeps going.

Turn $10,000 into $50,000
in the next 12 to 18 months

NENE is the best profit opportunity I’ve seen in a long time. And, if you ignore this chance to cash in, I don’t know how long it will be until I find an opportunity as good as this one.
Plus, I ordinarily make a new pick available only to subscribers. I don’t do this every day!
So, I hope I’ve convinced you to add some shares of New Energy Technologies (NENE) to your speculative growth portfolio.
Of course, I also hope that you are impressed enough with my find, and my DETAILED research, that you’ll want to keep up with my future recommendations.
As I said before, name is Bill Mathews, and I have been writing and publishing The Cheap Investor for over 30 years.
My track record of being early to identify big future winners while they’re still penny stocks has earned my advisory the honor of being rated “The #1 Best Performing Market Letter.”
And now, after more than 30 years of doing this, I’m such a believer in what New Energy is doing that I’m willing to stick out my neck and predict that NENE could eventually prove to be . . .

The Most Profitable Stock of my Entire Career!

Right now, NENE is trading under $2 a share. I am saying it could climb to $8 to $10 within the next 18 to 24 months. And from there, the sky is the limit.
I don’t expect this to be one of those “peak-and-plummet” wonder stocks. Two or three years down the road, if all goes well, I predict you will see NENE trading north of $15!
Why should you invest your hard-earned dollars based on what I’m saying?
Well. . . perhaps my track record will help allay any reservations:
  • The average gain for all of my 50-month recommendations (through December 2012) is 162%
  • Of my last 243 recommendations (all of them) only 2 are currently losers!
My subscribers made 2,419% on CarMax. And Pre-Paid Legal shot 5,141% after my recommendation.
I called PetSmart for a gain of 2,810% and Vanda Pharmaceuticals for 2,120% profit.
Bradley Pharmaceuticals soared 2,951% and Idec Pharmaceuticals gained 4,340% after my calls.
Here’s just a glimpse of some of my other past big winners:
If that’s the kind of winning record you’d like to have, be sure to join The Cheap Investor Today.

NENE is absolutely my top pick at the moment, the best opportunity I’ve seen in some time, but every issue of The Cheap Investor is filled with other penny stock recommendations that could soar to profits of 300%, 400%, even 1,000% as other investors pile in.
It’s the best way to build a powerful diversified portfolio of cheap future winners!

Act Now and Get my 148-page ebook for FREE

I founded The Cheap Investor newsletter way back in 1981.
A lot has changed in the world since then. But one thing that hasn’t changed is this:
The easiest way to make life-changing money in the stock market is to buy stocks before they get expensive, and ride them all the way up.
The problem: Most people can’t tell the difference between an undervalued stock… and one that’s cheap because it’s garbage.
That’s where I come in.
If you’re not sure how to find winning stocks… or if you simply don’t have the time…leave it to me.
Subscribers to The Cheap Investor get new recommendations every month. They come with explicit instructions and a detailed explanation of why I like the stocks.
I’ll let you get on board for the ridiculously low price of just $397. One look at my track record will tell you that it’s worth far, far more.
Second, to show you that my track record is for real, I’m going to give you a full 60 days to enjoy The Cheap Investor with no risk whatsoever.
If you haven’t made money by then—heck, even if you’ve made money, but just don’t enjoy reading the newsletter—I’ll give you 100% of your money back.
With more winning recommendations coming soon in our next issue… our lowest ever pricing… a full 60 days to try it out, with no risk to you… and with bonuses that are yours to keep either way…
…I hope you’ll act quickly, before it’s too late.
I look forward to personally welcoming you aboard and sending your first issue of The Cheap Investor!
Just click the button below to get started!
Yours for profitable investing –

Bill Mathews
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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The American Debt Crisis video from Casey Research

-How Big? How Bad? How to protect yourself
Casey Research

Thank you for registering to watch The American Debt Crisis video from Casey Research. The complete event recording is available online 24/7.
The American Debt Crisis
click to play
As you watch, one thing should be clear:
Washington's efforts at "saving America" are putting your financial future at serious risk unless you protect yourself and your money now. Of course, these efforts will also create dramatic swings in the markets that represent profit opportunities for those who know where to look.
By both protecting yourself and seeking out crisis-related profits, you'll be one of the few who has the potential to come out on the other side of the crisis above water, and perhaps doing quite well.
As mentioned during the event, Casey Research CEO Olivier Garret put together an Investor Briefing covering six specific investments to help you get through the crisis. While some of the information this briefing contains was covered during the event, it's also full of plenty of new information for you.
You can access this complimentary Investor Briefing here.
Included in the Investor Briefing are:
Investment #1
An investment that will pay off for years to come
Investment #2
Three ways to invest in gold for protection and profits
Investment #3
The only way to make money in bonds for the next few years
Investment #4
Become a global investor without leaving the U.S.
Investment #5
The anti-Bernanke savings strategy
Investment #6
The single most important investment you can make today

It's time to protect yourself and align your portfolio for the profits this crisis will bring.
Your next step is to read the Investor Briefing online now.
The Casey Research Team

Monday, April 22, 2013

A best-selling author and one of the world's most in-demand financial pundits, Peter Schiff is interviewed by Cambridge House Live anchor Bridgitte Anderson about the U.S. debt situation, potential collapse of U.S. dollar and his prediction of $5000 gold. Taped at Cambridge House International's Vancouver Resource Investment Conference in January 2013.

Welcome to The Daily Snipes! Happy Earth Day!

Welcome to The Daily Snipes!  My goal is to keep myself and other interested parties up to date on what is happening in the world according to well you guessed it me, Snipes.  The Daily Snipes will hopefully be both a way for me to organize all of my endeavors and thoughts as well as an enjoyable read for my readers as well.  I hope to be of service to myself, my readers and the world all simultaneously.  Well, here goes.  Let's get The Daily Snipes started with a big Happy Earth Day message for Mother Earth on today Earth Day April 22, 2013.  Betsy's Kindergarten Adventures: Happy Earth Day: