Friday, April 26, 2013

Endangered manatees are dying in record numbers! More than 463 manatees have died this year alone, and the count is quickly rising. Earthjustice is doing everything we can to fight back using the law and the power of the courts. Help us see this emergency battle through with a special gift today.
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Endangered manatees are dying in record numbers!
An endangered Florida manatee. (Tracy Colson / FWS)
Help us fight back in court with an emergency gift today!
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Dear Jeffrey,
A record number of endangered manatees are dying in Florida’s algae-choked waterways—with as many as 10 deaths each day.
Yet the state of Florida and the Environmental Protection Agency recently decided to approve dangerous loopholes in the region and allow more toxic pollution that is putting this gentle species’ very survival at risk.
More than 463 endangered manatees have died this year alone…and the number is quickly rising.
My team and I working out of Earthjustice’s Florida office are waging an emergency battle to protect these gentle creatures for the long haul, but we need an urgent gift from you today to see this fight through.
This alarming number of manatee deaths is linked to toxic algae from sewage, manure, and fertilizer pollution. Yet, in an astonishing move, Florida and the Environmental Protection Agency—the very agency that is charged with protecting wildlife and their essential habitat—are siding with polluters and agro-businesses and putting profits over protections.
As the managing attorney of Earthjustice’s Florida office, I will not stand by and watch this happen.
With your support, my team and I will stand up against this assault and:
Fight in court to stop dangerous back room deals between Florida and the Environmental Protection Agency that give loopholes to dirty and polluting industries.
Use the law and the power of the courts to strengthen pollution standards across Florida state.
Battle to restore waterways and halt environmentally-destructive practices and projects such as the Rodman Dam in Florida.
For more than two decades, Earthjustice has fought for manatee protections in court—and won. And with your help, we will do so once again.
Thank you for all that you do,
David Guest picture
David Guest
Managing Attorney
Earthjustice, Florida Office
P.S. A record number of dead manatees are washing up in southwest Florida right now! Help us fight back in court with an emergency tax-deductible gift today to protect them and other endangered species.
Donate Now!
©2013 Earthjustice | 50 California Street, Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94111 | 415-217-2000 |

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