Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The American Debt Crisis video from Casey Research

-How Big? How Bad? How to protect yourself
Casey Research

Thank you for registering to watch The American Debt Crisis video from Casey Research. The complete event recording is available online 24/7.
The American Debt Crisis
click to play
As you watch, one thing should be clear:
Washington's efforts at "saving America" are putting your financial future at serious risk unless you protect yourself and your money now. Of course, these efforts will also create dramatic swings in the markets that represent profit opportunities for those who know where to look.
By both protecting yourself and seeking out crisis-related profits, you'll be one of the few who has the potential to come out on the other side of the crisis above water, and perhaps doing quite well.
As mentioned during the event, Casey Research CEO Olivier Garret put together an Investor Briefing covering six specific investments to help you get through the crisis. While some of the information this briefing contains was covered during the event, it's also full of plenty of new information for you.
You can access this complimentary Investor Briefing here.
Included in the Investor Briefing are:
Investment #1
An investment that will pay off for years to come
Investment #2
Three ways to invest in gold for protection and profits
Investment #3
The only way to make money in bonds for the next few years
Investment #4
Become a global investor without leaving the U.S.
Investment #5
The anti-Bernanke savings strategy
Investment #6
The single most important investment you can make today

It's time to protect yourself and align your portfolio for the profits this crisis will bring.
Your next step is to read the Investor Briefing online now.
The Casey Research Team

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