Saturday, April 27, 2013

US Treasury vs Federal Reserve Financial War Escalates

US Treasury vs Federal Reserve Financial War Escalates

US Treasury vs Federal Reserve Financial War Escalates And the Countdown Starts
Breaking News April 14, 2013
By Tom Heneghan International Intelligence Expert

UNITED States of America – At this hour we can divulge that the U.S. Treasury (the only Constitutional authority that has a right to coin currency) is now in a total state of war with the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve, which, as former Ronald Reagan economic adviser David Stockman states, is now a complete bucket shop.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has told Federal Reserve Chairman, check kiter and traitor Ben Shalom Bernanke that his credit default dollar swaps that have been used as a backdoor bail out for insolvent
European banks will stop IMMEDIATELY!

The dollar swaps aka money laundry have now effectively made the U.S. banking system
a counter party to the European Central Bank (ECB), which has now become a
counter party to itself.

Yes, folks, the pyramid schemes are collapsing.
We can also report that Chinese government officials have
told U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry that the latest ponzi scheme involving the U.S. Federal Reserve, Bank
of Japan and the European Central Bank must stop NOW!
Click on link below to read full report:
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